When going off to college, one thing that goes straight to the mind before leaving the house is usually " did i remember to get everything i need?". Unfortunately, there is always that one thing that is left behind. Knowing what necessities to bring with you to college is crucial especially since you are living on your own. Preparing with a list is the best way, so you dont forget those last minute items.
College is the one place where your parents wont be there to clean your clothes or hear you say you need them to pick something up at the store, so it's always good to remember by writing it down right when you think of it. Thats when post it notes should become your bestfriend. Have one day out of the month or every so many weeks where you go to the store and pick these material items up. Some major items that you should bring in large amounts would be shampoo, body soap, and detergent. Many times when you have roommates or someone who comes to visit for a couple days, you're not the only person who 's using your cleansing items, so buying more than needed is a plus just in case. Keeping up on studying and daily tasks while making sure you have everything you need is way harder than it seems, so try to keep it simple and write it down.
Make sure you capitalize the word I. I saw a few times that it wasn't capitalized. There are a few places that need commas but other than that, this was a good topic to choose. I always seem to forget something so I always write things down! We're both always making list of things to do. haha.
ReplyDeleteHere is another good link for what to pack:
If you will have a roommate, it's essential to talk to him/her first so you both don't bring the same things. Your dorm room is small enough--you don't need two microwaves or something!
The following is from Indiana University's mini-magazazine called Inside. The article is called "Rising with the Pack: What the first year can teach us about identity, freedom, and sacrifice"
A focused post--probably your best.
ReplyDeleteand I like the picture and link!