Friday, November 6, 2009

One major reason students become stressed in college is because they are studying so much they lose their time and organization. Yes, many colleges do have places to work out and many different organizations that every student is welcome to join, but even with those extra cirricular activities many people feel they need to be studying. The reason for all this studying is so they don't become another name on the Acedemic Warning list. One word of advice i heard from my uncle is " If all you do is study you will only make things worse." I totally agree with that statement because in college and even high school if all a student's life is about studying that person will become more stressed and either become sick or very unhealthy. For example, if a second grade kid comes home every single day and only studys without any time to play or have fun that kid would be very stressed and way overwhelmed. The same goes for college students. Working out, hanging out, or even reading a magazine or book that person enjoy is a way to keep a healthy life by giving the brain a time to relax. College is the one time in a person's life they need to keep busy on school work, but also have a good time and absorb college life, so keeping busy in both worlds is a good idea.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love to work?

thumbBORATjpeg.jpg Two thumbs up! image by HubShaw

Many students freak out when they hear the question, "What do you want to major in once getting into college?", because they really just do not know. It is very stressful knowing that the occupation of one's choice will someday determine where they live and what they own. One thing to remember is to never rush into a major from pressure. It is the one place a person can never run from especially in the real world. Think of something enjoyable that wouldn't be seen as work, but more of a hobby while being paid. Never go into a major for the money! Many people go into a major for the money and end up with a stressful unhealthy life. For example, doctors make a lot of money in the medical field, but many of them also have a large amount of paperwork and long hours in the office aside from seeing patients. For some people that type of labor isn't ideal and can come off as very boring and in the end not worth the money they are receiving. There are a numerous amount of students who walk into college knowing their major, but in reality only half of those students graduate with that major from their change of interest. Everyone has time to explore the wonders of many jobs, so find something you love and enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Money Money Money
In high school it's easy to spend money all the time because many students are increasingly more dependent on their parents than students in college turn out to be. One thought before even thinking about what school they would like to attend would be: "Where will I get the money to pay for college? In many cases, students never even considered college due to the fact that they could not afford even half or a quarter of their tuition. One major thing to remember is that no student should not attend college due to their financial problems. Thousands of dollars worth of scholarship money is unclaimed every single year because no one signs up for them. Minority students are very advantaged as well because there are many people in the nation looking to help a student who thinks they will not exceed in college due to their nationality and financial needs. There are also many people who are willing to give money based on the major a student will be going into and want to support them by helping them financially through some of their college tuition. FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Students Aid) is one form that every student should fill out despite any financial or non-financial situation they might be in. It is free money from the government that will help with some college expenses. In college money is definitely a huge stress, but there are a numerous amount of people out in the world who want to help out, so look into it! One word of advice I would give to any student would be: "Never let money tell you where you can go!"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Write it Down

When going off to college, one thing that goes straight to the mind before leaving the house is usually " did i remember to get everything i need?". Unfortunately, there is always that one thing that is left behind. Knowing what necessities to bring with you to college is crucial especially since you are living on your own. Preparing with a list is the best way, so you dont forget those last minute items. College is the one place where your parents wont be there to clean your clothes or hear you say you need them to pick something up at the store, so it's always good to remember by writing it down right when you think of it. Thats when post it notes should become your bestfriend. Have one day out of the month or every so many weeks where you go to the store and pick these material items up. Some major items that you should bring in large amounts would be shampoo, body soap, and detergent. Many times when you have roommates or someone who comes to visit for a couple days, you're not the only person who 's using your cleansing items, so buying more than needed is a plus just in case. Keeping up on studying and daily tasks while making sure you have everything you need is way harder than it seems, so try to keep it simple and write it down.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Freshman 15

People think that the "freshman 15" is just a college hoax, but in reality it actually happens to many freshman in college. The freshman fifteen, for all who haven't heard of it before, is when freshman students in college gain fifteen pounds during the year. Gaining weight in college does not mean that freshman aren't active and just sit around. It could be from a lot of different sources. For example, stress, in college students are finally living on their own, so they could be stressed from missing their family or from their studies, staying up late and not getting enough exercise. It could also come from the social events that are happening everywhere on the college campus almost everyday. Some liquids such as beer and so forth have way more carbohydrates than other drinks, so my advice would be to try sticking to as much water as possible, even though we all know beer is a popular drink at these social activities. The food on a college campus is known to be amazing. Students have access to any type of food they want twenty four-seven. That means if they are craving a slice of apple pie at three in the morning they can walk down to the dining hall and purchase it on their card. It's not hard to eat a lot in college and sometimes that could turn into quite the pounds, but colleges also give access to a public twenty four-hour gym, so it gives many students opportunities to keep in good shape and relieve stress! There are so many ways to avoid the freshman fifteen, so break the hoax and keep looking good! Here is a video on tips to avoid the freshman fifteen with a nutritionist.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Meeting new people in college can be one of the most exciting and the most nerve racking things. Especially having no idea who will be your new room mate for the next year. Will this person become a best friend or will they become an enemy? Everyone has a best friend or someone they hate to leave from high school. It's always so sad to watch someone so close move so far away, but its exciting to start a new life at the same time. When being in high school they give teens many clubs to choose from to keep busy and to stay involved. Meeting friends is a lot easier while being in high school because a lot of kids have grown up with the people they pass in the hallways. College is a scary place for many incoming freshman. They barely know where anything is and have no one to walk around with to meet people. That's why getting in clubs in college are crucial. College clubs and activities is one thing I would personally never pass up. Greek life is one major student activity I would hate to miss. Sororities are an awesome way to meet friends and to have fun! College has it's up and downs, but everything will be better by getting involved with student organiztions and clubs.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

high school vs college

High school and college are two way different worlds! Many of us go straight to college with one major thought "freedom at last", but do we really think about the other sides of college that high school never taught us? For example, how to get along with a psycho dorm mate or how to cram a twenty-four hour session from one chapter for our midterm the next morning? Maybe it's just just part of the responsibility of being an adult and living in our "free world". High school has many perks to it that college does not have, but over all its just the personality of the person that makes college or high school a good thing or a bad thing. It's differences may not phase one like it will another because maybe that person has had a brother or sister who've been there and done that to give them advice on what to look forward to, which could be extremely helpful to someone. High school is a time for many to remember back at the wonderful times they had with being and feeling like a kid still because those individuals don't have a clue how wonderful it is to just be a teenager with no responsibilities what so ever.